Why Kinba?

As a parent, you might already use traditional pocket money to help your kids understand saving and spending. If you add Kinba into the mix, you’ll have the tools to teach them how to truely manage thier finances, from essential money administration to the principals of investing.

How it works

  1. Parents commit to set aside at least $5 each week for their child's future.

  2. Kids can only access these funds early by mastering concepts like interest and investing. Kinba guides them and keeps track of the funds.

  3. As they progress, young learners earn real pocket money by developing skills, cultivating good habits, and achieving "returns on investments"—mirroring how adults earn interest from banks.


  • Kinba currently includes

    • Compound interest and returns on investment

    • Goal setting

    • Financial Identity

    • Saving and Spending Wisely

    • Financial administration

    • Building consistent habits

    We are constantly expanding our offerings, with more to come in 2024.

  • Kinba is built for consistency, not screen time. Once set up, your young learner should spend just a few minutes each day—comparable to brushing their teeth or solving a Wordle.

    For parents, involvement is minimal, typically only needed when your child wants to spend money in the real world. However, for those who wish to engage more deeply, we provide numerous conversation starters and resources to facilitate discussions about money with your family.

  • Kinba draws inspiration from popular kids' games, offering high-quality education wrapped in layers of fun and challenge.

    With an emphasis on exploration and curiosity, Kinba empowers children to self-direct their experience. The app incorporates a gaming-style skills tree, enabling kids and teens to unlock skills and tackle challenges at their own pace.

  • Yes, it works with both. Parents are in control of how kids receive money when they are ready to spend it in the real world.

    Cash, Card, Bartering chocolate bars - whatever works for your family, works for Kinba.

  • No. We track money, but we don’t take or hold it.

  • Absolutely not. We don’t support advertising to kids.

  • As the parent, you decide. Everything the child earns comes from the parents.

    Kinba balances the books, tracking how much is in each child’s learning fund and savings accounts.

    We aim for perfect balance - keeping your children engaged with learning, but not exceeding the amount you have agreed to set aside for them.

  • Money accumulates in the learning fund until the child earns it. Some weeks they will get a little, others a lot - it all depends on their financial decisions.

    Any money still in the learning fund is controlled by the parents. When the child graduates from Kinba, you can keep it in the family budget, or perhaps gift it to your young person to go towards their future.

  • Yes, Kinba is a closed system. Kids can only interact with their family members.

  • Kinba is owned by Nicole, a proud mum of two girls living in sunny Queensland, Australia.

  • There is a small subscription fee per family, paid monthly or annually.

    By subscribing, you help us remain independent from banks and advertisers, ensuring our commitment to your child’s financial education.

    Additionally, you need to maintain your commitment of setting aside at least $5 weekly for your child. Please note, Kinba does not receive any of these funds.

Ready to see for yourself?